

12 volt 130 Amps Low Voltage Battery Disconnect


Product Description

The LVD-12-130 is a 12 volt 130 Amps low voltage battery disconnect. The LVD-12-130 is pre-set to disconnect the load at 10.4 VDC. However, to prevent premature or false disconnect when the battery voltage drops below the 10.4 volt threshold, a 2 minute timer is started. If the battery recovers to above 12.5 volts, the timer resets and waits. The battery can and will recover if the system is a repeater or remote base station or similar equipment that has a varying demand that fluctuates from low to high current. The 2 minute delay ensures the battery is not disconnected until necessary to prevent damage.

After main power is restored and the battery is recharging, the LVD-12-130 will reconnect the load when the battery voltage exceeds 12.5 volts.

NOTE: The individual user should take care to determine, prior to use or installation, whether this device is suitable, adequate or safe for the use intended. Since individual applications are subject to great variation, DuraComm makes no representation or warranty as to the suitability, or fitness of these units for any specific application.

Product Specifications

Input Range VDC:
Disconnect / Reconnect VDC:
10.4 / 12.5
Amps (Max):
Weight (lbs):
3"H x 8"W x 5"D

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